Educational Support
Educational Specialist Kim Bullock can help neurodiverse children and their families manage the distinct hurdles faced during their educational journeys.

Why Engage an Education Specialist?
Navigating education for a neurodivergent child is complex, there is an increasing need for advocating for your child in their school setting. Kim can assist in integrating other allied health recommendations into the school setting, with her in depth knowledge of the operational realities of everyday classroom dynamics. Typically Kim can assist children and teenagers (3 years – 15 years) to love learning through developing educational strategies around:
- Learning Disorders
- School refusal
- Giftedness
- School Anxiety
- How to study
- Reviewing schools

Beyond Diagnosis
After children have been assessed and possibly diagnosed, Kim can equip parents and carers with strategies to support your child’s learning and wellbeing needs. This includes:
- Unpacking the language of the assessment report
- School advocacy
- Individual Education Plans (IEP)
- Classroom strategies
- Where to next?
- Early intervention recommendations
- Finding the most appropriate educational setting for child based on their support need

Individual Education Plans (IEP)
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a customised educational program designed to meet the unique needs of a student who has learning difficulties, disabilities, or other special educational needs. It outlines specific learning goals, the services the student will receive, and how progress will be measured.
The key components of an IEP typically include:
- Current Performance: A description of the student’s current academic and functional performance.
- Goals: Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the student to achieve over a set period.
- Services and Support: Detailed information on the special education services, related services, and support the student will receive, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, or classroom accommodations.
- Participation: Information on the extent to which the student will participate in regular education classes and activities.
- Progress Monitoring: Methods for tracking and reporting the student’s progress toward meeting the goals.
- Transition Planning: For older students, the IEP includes plans for transitioning from school to post-school activities, such as higher education, vocational training, or employment.